If you died today, what would you wish you had done differently?

Deacon RayReflections

In his book Resisting Happiness, popular Catholic evangelist Matthew Kelly asks a powerful question that is both challenging and engaging.  The litany of thoughtful statements that follows could make a good examination of conscience. How fully am I embracing the gift of new life and the opportunities for personal resurrection given to us by the risen Christ.

Matthew Kelly writes:  “If you died today, what would you wish you had done differently?” (Resisting Happiness page 150)
I wish I had the courage to just be myself.
I wish I had spent more time with the people I love.
I wish I had made spirituality more of a priority.
I wish I hadn’t spent so much time working.
I wish I had discovered my purpose earlier.
I wish I had learned to express my feelings more.
I wish I hadn’t spent so much time worrying about things that never happened.
I wish I had taken more risks.
I wish I had cared less about what other people thought.
I wish I had realized earlier that happiness is a choice.
I wish I had loved more.
I wish I had taken better care of myself.
I wish I had been a better spouse.
I wish I had paid less attention to other people’s expectations.
I wish I had quit my job and found something I really enjoyed doing.
I wish I had stayed in touch with old friends.
I wish I had spoken my mind more.
I wish I hadn’t spent so much time chasing the wrong things.
I wish I’d had more children.
I wish I had touched more lives.
I wish I had thought about life’s big questions earlier.
I wish I had traveled more.
I wish I had lived more in the moment.
I wish I had pursued more of my dreams.
Every one of us can benefit from examining our hearts every now and then.  Some recommend that we do this every day.  While not all these statements apply to everyone, they do invite us to look at our lives and see where the Holy Spirit might be leading us.  What things are we being invited to change or modify.  Are we living our lives in the freedom of the children of God?  It is never too late to make changes in our lives.  Remember our God is the God of second chances (the third, fourth, fifth and so on).
Have a great week!

PS: If traveling to the Holy Land is on your “before I die” list, consider joining me on a very affordable 8-day Holy Land pilgrimage January 23-30, 2018. Contact me for details.